Q1(CQ) 乳がんのがん薬物療法において,G‒CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(((((breast neoplasms/drug therapy[mesh]) AND ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab]) OR filgrastim[tw] OR (lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab]) OR (nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab]) OR (pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]))) AND ((“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]))) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat]) AND ((english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 383 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“breast cancer” OR “breast neoplasms”) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) AND (neutropenia OR neutropenia) in Title Abstract Keyword | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳房腫瘍/AL) and (SH=薬物療法) and ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL)) and (PT=会議録除く) | 60 |
Q2(CQ) 進行非小細胞肺がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 93 |
Search Strategy | Result |
“non-small cell lung” AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((肺癌-非小細胞/TH or 肺癌-非小細胞/AL) or (肺癌-非小細胞/TH or 非小細胞肺癌/AL)) and (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL)) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 16 |
Q3(CQ) 進展型小細胞肺がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“small cell lung carcinoma/drug therapy”[mesh] OR (“Carcinoma, Small-Cell/drug therapy”[mesh] AND “lung neoplasms/drug therapy”[majr])) AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 59 |
Search Strategy | Result |
“small cell lung” AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and ((肺癌-小細胞/TH or 肺癌-小細胞/AL) or (肺癌-小細胞/TH or 小細胞肺癌/AL))) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 20 |
Q4(FQ) 食道がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“esophageal neoplasms/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 11 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“esophageal neoplasms” OR “esophageal cancer” OR “esophagus cancer”) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (((食道腫瘍/TH or 食道腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 11 |
Q5(FQ) 胃がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“stomach neoplasms/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 27 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“stomach neoplasms” OR “stomach cancer” ) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (((胃腫瘍/TH or 胃腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 12 |
Q6(FQ) 膵がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“stomach neoplasms/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 17 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“pancreatic neoplasms” OR “pancreatic cancer” ) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (((膵臓腫瘍/TH or 膵臓腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 11 |
Q7(FQ) 胆道がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“Biliary Tract Neoplasms/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“biliary” OR “bile” ) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (((胆道腫瘍/TH or 胆道腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 0 |
Q8(CQ) 大腸がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“Colorectal Neoplasms/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 22 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“colorectal neoplasms” OR “colorectal cancer” ) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (((大腸腫瘍/TH or 大腸腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 14 |
Q9(FQ) 消化器神経内分泌がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“Neuroendocrine Tumors/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 2 |
Search Strategy | Result |
“neuroendocrine” AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (((神経内分泌腫瘍/TH or 神経内分泌腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 3 |
Q10(CQ) 頭頸部がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“Head and Neck Neoplasms/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 25 |
Search Strategy | Result |
“head and neck” AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (((頭頸部腫瘍/TH or 頭頸部腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 28 |
Q11(CQ) 卵巣がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“Ovarian Neoplasms/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 72 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“ovarian neoplasms” OR “ovarian cancer” ) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or 顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (((卵巣腫瘍/TH or 卵巣腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 25 |
Q12(FQ) 子宮頸がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 7 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“uterine cervical neoplasms” OR “cervical cancer” ) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or 顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (((子宮頸部腫瘍/TH or 子宮頸部腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 2 |
Q13(FQ) 子宮体がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“Endometrial Neoplasms/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 7 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Endometriall neoplasms” OR “Endometrial cancer” ) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL or 顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (((子宮内膜腫瘍/TH or 子宮内膜腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 7 |
Q14(CQ) 前立腺がんのがん薬物療法において,G-CSFの一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Prostatic Neoplasms/drug therapy”[Mesh]) AND (((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab]) OR filgrastim[tw] OR (lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab]) OR (nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab]) OR (pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]))) AND ((“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab])) AND (1990/01/01 : 2019/12/31[edat] AND ((english[lang] OR japanese[lang]))) | 28 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Prostatic neoplasms” or “Prostatic cancer”):ti,ab,kw AND ((“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta)):ti,ab,kw | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and ((((前立腺腫瘍/TH or 前立腺がん/AL))) and (SH=薬物療法)))) and (PT=会議録除く)) | 36 |
Q15(FQ) 非円形細胞軟部肉腫のがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
((((((Sarcoma/drug therapy[mesh] OR “Soft Tissue Neoplasms/drug therapy”[Mesh]))) AND ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]))) AND ((“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]))) AND 1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat]) AND ((english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 53 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Sarcoma” OR “Soft Tissue Neoplasms”) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((肉腫/TH or 肉腫/AL or 軟部組織腫瘍/TH or 軟部腫瘍/AL) and (SH=薬物療法)) and (((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (((DT=1990:2019) and (PT=会議録除く))) | 28 |
Q16(FQ) 骨肉腫のがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
((Osteosarcoma/drug therapy[mesh]) AND ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]))) AND ((1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat]) AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 40 |
Search Strategy | Result |
“Osteosarcoma” AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((骨肉腫/TH or 骨肉腫/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法)) and ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) and ((DT=1990:2019) and (PT=会議録除く)) | 12 |
Q17(FQ) 横紋筋肉腫のがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
((Rhabdomyosarcoma/drug therapy[mesh]) AND ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]))) AND ((1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat]) AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 13 |
Search Strategy | Result |
“Rhabdomyosarcoma” AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((横紋筋肉腫/TH or 横紋筋肉腫/AL) and (SH=薬物療法)) and (((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (((DT=1990:2019) and (PT=会議録除く))) | 0 |
Q18(FQ) Ewing 肉腫のがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Sarcoma, Ewing/drug therapy”[Mesh]) AND ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]))) AND ((1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat]) AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 25 |
Search Strategy | Result |
“Ewing Sarcoma” AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((Ewing肉腫/TH or ユーイング肉腫/AL) and (SH=薬物療法)) and (((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL)) and (((DT=1990:2019) and (PT=会議録除く))) | 5 |
Q19(CQ) 古典的ホジキンリンパ腫のがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
((((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab]) OR filgrastim[tw] OR (lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab]) OR (nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab]) OR (pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]))) AND ((“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab])) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/01/01 : 2019/12/31[edat] AND ((english[lang] OR japanese[lang]))) AND (“Hodgkin Disease/drug therapy”[Mesh]) | 30 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta):ti,ab,kw AND (“Hodgkin”):ti,ab,kw | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and ((((Hodgkin病/TH or ホジキンリンパ腫/AL or Hodgkin病/AL or Hodgkinリンパ腫/AL))) and (SH=薬物療法)))) and (PT=会議録除く) | 8 |
Q20(CQ) B 細胞リンパ腫のがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
((((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab]) OR filgrastim[tw] OR (lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab]) OR (nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab]) OR (pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]))) AND ((“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab])) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/01/01 : 2019/12/31[edat] AND ((english[lang] OR japanese[lang]))) AND ((“Lymphoma, Follicular/drug therapy”[Mesh]) OR (“Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell/drug therapy”[Mesh]) OR (“Lymphoma, B-Cell/drug therapy”[Mesh])) | 36 |
Search Strategy | Result |
“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta):ti,ab,kw AND (“B-Cell Lymphoma” or “B Cell Lymphoma” or “Follicular Lymphoma” or “Mantle-Cell Lymphoma” or “Mantle Cell Lymphoma” or “Burkitt’s Lymphoma” or “Burkitts Lymphoma”):ti,ab,kw | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL))) and ((((びまん性大細胞型b細胞リンパ腫/AL) or (Burkittリンパ腫/TH or バーキットリンパ腫/AL) or (リンパ腫-マントル細胞/TH or マントル細胞リンパ腫/AL) or (リンパ腫-濾胞性/TH or 濾胞性リンパ腫/AL) or (リンパ腫-B細胞性/TH or B細胞リンパ腫/AL))) and (SH=薬物療法)))) and (PT=会議録除く) | 46 |
Q21(CQ) T/NK 細胞リンパ腫および再発・難治リンパ腫のがん薬物療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(((Lymphoma, T-Cell/Drug therapy[Mesh]) OR (Leukemia-Lymphoma, Adult T-Cell/drug therapy[Mesh]))) AND ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) OR (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab])) AND ((“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND ((1990/01/01 : 2019/12/31[edat]) AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]))) | 55 |
((((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab]) OR filgrastim[tw] OR (lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab]) OR (nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab]) OR (pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]))) AND ((“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab])) AND (“prevention and Control”[sh] OR Prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab]) AND 1990/01/01 : 2019/12/31[edat] AND ((english[lang] OR japanese[lang]))) AND ((lymphoma/drug therapy[Mesh]) AND ((Neoplasm Recurrence, Local[Mesh]) OR ((relapsed[tiab] OR recurrent[tiab] OR refractory[tiab] OR resistant[tiab])))) | 27 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta):ti,ab,kw AND (“Adult T-Cell Leukemia-Lymphoma” or “Adult T-Cell Leukemia Lymphoma” or “Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma” or “NK-T-Cell Lymphoma” or “NK-T Lymphoma” or “T-NK lymphoma”):ti,ab,kw | 0 |
(“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta):ti,ab,kw AND (“relapsed lymphoma” or “recurrent lymphoma” or “refractory lymphoma” or “resistant lymphoma”):ti,ab,kw | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL))) and ((((白血病-リンパ腫-成人T細胞性/TH or 成人T細胞白血病リンパ腫/AL) or (リンパ腫-節外性NK-T細胞性/TH) or (リンパ腫-T細胞性/TH or T細胞リンパ腫/AL) or ((@NK細胞/TH and @リンパ腫/TH) or NK細胞リンパ腫/AL) or (“T-NK細胞リンパ腫”/AL or “T/NK細胞リンパ腫”/AL or “NK/細胞リンパ腫”/AL or “NK-T細胞リンパ腫”/AL or “TNK細胞リンパ腫”/AL or “NKT細胞リンパ腫”/Al))) and (SH=薬物療法)))) and (PT=会議録除く) | 35 |
(((((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL))) and ((((リンパ腫/TH or リンパ腫/AL) and (難治/AL or 再発/AL or 腫瘍再発/TH))) and (SH=薬物療法)))) and (PT=会議録除く) | 35 |
Q22(CQ) 成人急性骨髄性白血病(急性前骨髄球性白血病を除く)の寛解導入療法において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/drug therapy”[Mesh:NoExp]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“prevention and control”[sh] OR prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab] OR initial[tiab] OR induction[tw]) AND (1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 217 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“acute myeloid leukaemia” OR “acute myelogenous leukemia” OR “acute myelocytic leukemia”) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR filgrastim OR granix OR lenograstim OR neutrogin OR nartograstim OR Neu-up OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) in Title Abstract Keyword | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((@白血病-急性骨髄性/TH) and (SH=薬物療法)) and ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) and ((好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL) or (寛解導入/TH or 寛解導入/AL)) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 69 |
Q23(CQ) 成人急性リンパ性白血病の治療において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Leukemia, Lymphoid/drug therapy”[Mesh]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“Neutropenia”[Mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“prevention and control”[sh] OR prevent*[tiab] OR prophyla*[tiab] OR first[tiab] OR initial[tiab] OR induction[tw]) AND (1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 65 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“acute lymphoblastic leukemia ” OR “acute lymphocytic leukemia” OR “acute lymphoid leukemia”) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR filgrastim OR granix OR lenograstim OR neutrogin OR nartograstim OR Neu-up OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) AND (neutropenia OR neutropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((白血病-リンパ腫-前駆細胞リンパ芽球性/TH or 急性リンパ性白血病/AL) and (SH=薬物療法)) and ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 34 |
Q24(CQ) 好中球減少症が持続する骨髄異形成症候群において,G-CSF の一次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Myelodysplastic Syndromes/drug therapy”[Mesh]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“Neutropenia”[Mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 42 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“myelodysplastic syndrome” OR “dysmyelopoietic syndrome” OR “hematopoetic Myelodysplasia”) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR filgrastim OR granix OR lenograstim OR neutrogin OR nartograstim OR Neu-up OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) AND (neutropenia OR neutropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((骨髄異形成症候群/TH or 骨髄異形成症候群/AL) and (SH=薬物療法)) and ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) and ((好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL) or (好中球/TH or 好中球/AL)) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 27 |
Q25(CQ) 乳がんにおいて,G-CSF 一次予防投与を前提に増強したがん薬物療法を行うことは有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(((((breast neoplasms/drug therapy[mesh]) AND ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab]) OR filgrastim[tw] OR (lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab]) OR (nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab]) OR (pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]))) AND ((“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]))) AND ((weekly[tiab] OR biweekly[tiab] OR schedule[tiab] OR maintenance[tiab] OR dense[tiab] OR “Drug Administration Schedule”[mesh] OR “Dose-Response Relationship, Drug”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage” [sh]))) AND 1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat]) AND ((english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 473 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“breast cancer” OR “breast neoplasms”) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) AND (neutropenia OR neutropenia) in Title Abstract Keyword | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳房腫瘍/AL) and (SH=薬物療法) and ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL)) and (PT=会議録除く) | 60 |
Q26(FQ) 食道がんにおいて,G-CSF 一次予防投与を前提に増強したがん薬物療法を行うことは有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Esophageal Neoplasms/therapy”[Mesh] AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“Neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“biweekly”[tiab] OR “schedule”[tiab] OR “maintenance”[tiab] OR “dense”[tiab] OR “Drug Administration Schedule”[mesh] OR “Dose-Response Relationship, Drug”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage” [sh]) AND (1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat]) AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 18 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“esophageal neoplasms” OR “esophageal cancer” OR “esophagus cancer”) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((食道腫瘍/TH or 食道腫瘍/AL) and (SH=薬物療法)) and (((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 14 |
Q27(FQ) 膵がんにおいて,G-CSF 一次予防投与を前提に増強したがん薬物療法を行うことは有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Pancreatic Neoplasms/drug therapy”[Mesh] AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“Neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“biweekly”[tiab] OR “schedule”[tiab] OR “maintenance”[tiab] OR “dense”[tiab] OR “Drug Administration Schedule”[mesh] OR “Dose-Response Relationship, Drug”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage” [sh]) AND (1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat]) AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 14 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“pancreatic neoplasms” OR “pancreatic cancer” ) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((膵臓腫瘍/TH or 膵臓腫瘍/AL) and (SH=薬物療法)) and (((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 11 |
Q28(FQ) 大腸がんにおいて,G-CSF 一次予防投与を前提に増強したがん薬物療法を行うことは有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Colorectal Neoplasms/drug therapy”[Mesh] AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“Neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“biweekly”[tiab] OR “schedule”[tiab] OR “maintenance”[tiab] OR “dense”[tiab] OR “Drug Administration Schedule”[mesh] OR “Dose-Response Relationship, Drug”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage” [sh]) AND (1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat]) AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 36 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“colorectal neoplasms” OR “colorectal cancer”) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((大腸腫瘍/TH or 大腸腫瘍/AL) and (SH=薬物療法)) and (((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 14 |
Q29(FQ) 頭頸部がんにおいて,G-CSF 一次予防投与を前提に増強したがん薬物療法を行うことは有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Head and Neck Neoplasms/drug therapy”[Mesh] AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“Neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“biweekly”[tiab] OR “schedule”[tiab] OR “maintenance”[tiab] OR “dense”[tiab] OR “Drug Administration Schedule”[mesh] OR “Dose-Response Relationship, Drug”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage” [sh]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 46 |
Search Strategy | Result |
“head and neck” AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta)in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((頭頸部腫瘍/TH or 頭頸部腫瘍/AL or 頭頸部癌/AL) and (SH=薬物療法)) and (((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 34 |
Q30(CQ) 卵巣がんにおいて,G-CSF一次予防投与を前提に増強したがん薬物療法を行うことは有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“Ovarian Neoplasms/drug therapy”[mesh] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND ((“weekly”[tiab] OR “biweekly”[tiab] OR “schedule”[tiab] OR “maintenance”[tiab] OR “dense”[tiab]) OR “Drug Administration Schedule”[mesh] OR “Dose-Response Relationship, Drug”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage”[sh]) AND (1990/01/01 : 2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 122 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Ovarian cancer” or “Ovarian neoplasms”):ti,ab,kw AND ((“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR neutrogin OR nartograstim OR Neu-up OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta)):ti,ab,kw AND (neutropenia OR neutropenic):ti,ab,kw” | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((((((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL)) and ((好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL or FN/AL or neutropenia/AL or neutropenic/AL)) and ((((卵巣腫瘍/TH or 卵巣腫瘍/AL or 卵巣がん/AL))) and (SH=薬物療法)))) and (PT=会議録除く))) and (DT=1990:2019) | 25 |
Q31(CQ) 尿路上皮がんにおいて,G-CSF 一次予防投与を前提に増強したがん薬物療法を行うことは有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
((((“Carcinoma, Transitional Cell/drug therapy”[Mesh]) OR (urothelial[Tiab])) AND (Urologic Neoplasms/drug therapy[Mesh]) OR (Ureteral neoplasms/drug therapy[Mesh])) AND (((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab]) OR filgrastim[tw] OR (lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab]) OR (nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab]) OR (pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]))) AND (“biweekly”[tiab] OR “schedule”[tiab] OR “maintenance”[tiab] OR “dense”[tiab] OR “Drug Administration Schedule”[mesh] OR “Dose-Response Relationship, Drug”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage”)) AND ((1990/01/01 : 2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]))) | 56 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“urothelial cancer” or “Ureteral cancer”):ti,ab,kw AND ((“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta)):ti,ab,kw | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and (((((移行上皮癌/TH) or (尿路上皮がん/AL) or (尿路上皮癌/AL or 尿路上皮腫瘍/AL)) or (尿管腫瘍/TH or 尿管腫瘍/AL or 尿管がん/AL or 尿管癌/AL))) and (SH=薬物療法)))) and (PT=会議録除く) | 27 |
Q32(FQ) 非円形細胞軟部肉腫において,G-CSF 一次予防投与を前提に増強したがん薬物療法を行うことは有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Sarcoma/drug therapy”[Mesh] OR “Soft Tissue Neoplasms/drug therapy”[Mesh]) AND (Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND ((“weekly”[tiab] OR “biweekly”[tiab] OR “schedule”[tiab] OR “maintenance”[tiab] OR “dense”[tiab]) OR “Drug Administration Schedule”[mesh] OR “Dose-Response Relationship, Drug”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage”[sh]) AND (1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 126 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Sarcoma” OR “Soft Tissue Neoplasms”) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR filgrastim OR granix OR lenograstim OR neutrogin OR nartograstim OR Neu-up OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((肉腫/TH or 肉腫/AL) or 軟部肉腫/AL or (軟部組織腫瘍/TH or 軟部腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法)) and ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 28 |
Q33(FQ) 横紋筋肉腫において,G-CSF 一次予防投与を前提に増強したがん薬物療法を行うことは有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Rhabdomyosarcoma/drug therapy”[Mesh]) AND (Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND ((“weekly”[tiab] OR “biweekly”[tiab] OR “schedule”[tiab] OR “maintenance”[tiab] OR “dense”[tiab]) OR “Drug Administration Schedule”[mesh] OR “Dose-Response Relationship, Drug”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage”[sh]) AND (1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 8 |
Search Strategy | Result |
“Rhabdomyosarcoma” AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR filgrastim OR granix OR lenograstim OR neutrogin OR nartograstim OR Neu-up OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((横紋筋肉腫/TH or 横紋筋肉腫/AL) and (SH=薬物療法)) and ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) | 0 |
Q34(CQ) Ewing 肉腫において,G-CSF 投与を前提に増強したがん薬物療法を行うことは有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Sarcoma, Ewing/drug therapy”[Mesh]) AND (Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND ((“weekly”[tiab] OR “biweekly”[tiab] OR “schedule”[tiab] OR “maintenance”[tiab] OR “dense”[tiab]) OR “Drug Administration Schedule”[mesh] OR “Dose-Response Relationship, Drug”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage”[sh]) AND (1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 20 |
Search Strategy | Result |
“Ewing Sarcoma” AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR filgrastim OR granix OR lenograstim OR neutrogin OR nartograstim OR Neu-up OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((Ewing肉腫/TH or Ewing肉腫/AL) or (Ewing肉腫/TH or ユーイング肉腫/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法)) and ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 5 |
Q35(CQ) バーキットリンパ腫・マントル細胞リンパ腫において,G-CSF 一次予防投与を前提に増強したがん薬物療法を行うことは有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
((“Burkitt Lymphoma/drug therapy”[mesh] OR “Lymphoma, Mantle-Cell/drug therapy”[mesh]) AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab])) AND (weekly[tiab] OR biweekly[tiab] OR schedule[tiab] OR maintenance[tiab] OR dense[tiab] OR “Drug Administration Schedule”[mesh] OR “Dose-Response Relationship, Drug”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage” [sh]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) Sort by: Best Match | 87 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(Burkitt OR mantle) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenia) in Title Abstract Keyword | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((((Burkittリンパ腫/TH or burkittリンパ腫/AL) or (リンパ腫-マントル細胞/TH or リンパ腫-マントル細胞/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法)) and ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and (好中球減少症/TH or neutropenia/AL)) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 2 |
Q36(BQ) 悪性リンパ腫・多発性骨髄腫の自家末梢血幹細胞採取において,G-CSF の投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Lymphoma/therapy”[mesh] OR “Multiple Myeloma/therapy”[mesh]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“transplantation, autologous”[mesh] OR “hematopoietic stem cell mobilization”[mesh]) AND 1990/1/31:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 774 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(lymphoma OR multiple myeloma) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND “stem cell” in Title Abstract Keyword | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and ((リンパ腫/TH or リンパ腫/AL) or (骨髄腫-多発性/TH or 骨髄腫-多発性/AL)) and ([造血幹細胞動員]/TH)) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 16 |
Q37(CQ) 前コースで発熱性好中球減少症を認めた悪性リンパ腫に対してがん薬物療法を継続して行う場合,G-CSF の二次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“Lymphoma/drug therapy”[majr] AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (second[tiab] OR secondary[tiab]) AND 1990/1/31:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 47 |
Search Strategy | Result |
lymphoma AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenia) AND (second OR secondary) in Title Abstract Keyword | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and ((リンパ腫/TH or リンパ腫/AL)) and (二次/AL or second/AL or secondary/AL)) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 8 |
Q38(CQ) 成人急性骨髄性白血病(急性前骨髄球性白血病を除く)の治療において,G-CSF とがん薬物療法の併用投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
“Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/drug therapy”[Majr:NoExp] AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (“Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols”[mh] OR “Induction Chemotherapy”[tw] OR priming[tiab] or replaced[tiab]) AND (1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])) | 196 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“acute myeloid leukaemia” OR “acute myelogenous leukemia” OR “acute myelocytic leukemia”) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR filgrastim OR granix OR lenograstim OR neutrogin OR nartograstim OR Neu-up OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta) AND (combined OR chemotherapy OR induction) in Title Abstract Keyword | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((@白血病-急性骨髄性/TH) and (SH=薬物療法)) and ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL) or (顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) and (併用化学療法/AL or (腫瘍多剤併用療法/TH or 腫瘍多剤併用療法/AL) or プライミング/AL or priming/AL or 再発/AL) and (DT=1990:2019 and PT=会議録除く) | 77 |
Q39(BQ) 発熱性好中球減少症の発症リスクと相関する患者背景因子は何か?
Search Strategy | Result |
neoplasms/drug therapy[mesh] AND ( “neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab]) AND (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND (risk[tw] OR risks[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 595 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(cancer OR neoplasms) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic)) AND (risk OR risks) | 5 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((((腫瘍/TH or 腫瘍/AL)) and (SH=薬物療法)) and ((Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and ((好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL) or FN/AL or (好中球減少症/TH or neutropenia/AL)) and ((危険因子/TH or 危険因子/AL) or (リスク/TH or リスク/AL) or (リスク/TH or risk/AL) or (リスク/TH or risks/AL))) and (DT=1990:2020 and PT=会議録除く) | 96 |
Q40(CQ) がん薬物療法を受けて発熱性好中球減少症を発症した固形がん患者において,G-CSF の二次予防投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab])) AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab] OR neutropaenic[tiab]) AND (Neoplasms/drug therapy[Majr]) AND ((“prevention and Control”[sh] OR secondary prevention[MH] OR “secondary prophylactic”[tiab] OR “secondary prophylaxis”[tiab])) AND ((Chemotherapy, Adjuvant[MH]) OR (“antineoplastic agents”[mesh] OR “antineoplastic agents”[pharmacological action]) OR “Solid Cancer”[TIAB] OR “Solid Carcinoma”[TIAB] OR “Solid Tumor”[TIAB] OR “Solid Tumors”[TIAB])) AND ((1990/01/01:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]))) | 355 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Carcinoma, Solidium” OR “Solid Cancer” OR “Solid Carcinoma”OR “Solid Tumor”):ti,ab,kw AND ((“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR neutrogin OR nartograstim OR Neu-up OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta)):ti,ab,kw AND (neutropenia OR neutropenic):ti,ab,kw AND (secondary):ti,ab,kw” | 2 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) or (Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and ((好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL) or (NF/AL or (好中球減少症/TH or neutropenia/AL))) and (二次/AL or second/AL or secondary/AL) and (((((腫瘍/TH or 腫瘍/AL)) or (固形腫瘍/TH or 固形腫瘍/AL or 固形がん/AL or 固形癌/AL))) and (SH=薬物療法)))) and (PT=会議録除く) | 35 |
Q41(CQ) がん薬物療法中の発熱性好中球減少症患者に,G-CSF の治療投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(((((Neoplasms/drug therapy[MH]) AND ((“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab])) AND ((“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab])))) AND ((Fever[MH] OR “Febril Neutropenia”[tiab]) AND (1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang])))))) | 198 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(neoplasms or cancer):ti,ab,kw AND ((“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR neutrogin OR nartograstim OR Neu-up OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta)):ti,ab,kw AND (neutropenia OR neutropenic):ti,ab,kw AND (fever):ti,ab,kw” | 4 |
Search Strategy | Result |
((((好中球減少症-発熱性/TH or 発熱性好中球減少症/AL)) and (((((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) or (Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)))) and (SH=治療的利用)) and (((腫瘍/MTH)) and (SH=薬物療法)))) and (PT=会議録除く) | 130 |
Q42(CQ) がん薬物療法中の無熱性好中球減少症患者に,G-CSF の治療投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND ((afebrile[tiab] OR “non-febrile”[tiab] OR nonfebrile[tiab]) AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab])) AND (“antineoplastic agents”[mesh] OR “antineoplastic agents”[pharmacological action]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 12 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(cancer OR neoplasms) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) AND ((afebrile OR non-febrile OR nonfebril) AND (neutropenia OR neutoropenic)) | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL) or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and ((好中球減少症/TH or 好中球減少症/AL) or FN/AL or (好中球減少症/TH or neutropenia/AL)) and (無熱/AL)) and (DT=1990:2020 and PT=会議録除く) | 4 |
Q43(CQ) フィルグラスチムを予防投与で用いるとき,バイオシミラーと先行バイオ医薬品のいずれが推奨されるか?
Search Strategy | Result |
filgrastim[tw] AND (“biosimilar pharmaceuticals”[mesh] OR biosimilar[tw]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 225 |
Search Strategy | Result |
filgrastim AND biosimilar | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((Filgrastim/TH or Filgrastim/AL) or (Filgrastim/TH or フィルグラスチム/AL)) and (バイオシミラー医薬品/TH)) and (DT=1990:2020 and PT=会議録除く) | 58 |
Q44(CQ) がん薬物療法において,ペグ化G-CSF 単回投与は非ペグ化G-CSF 連日投与より推奨されるか?
Search Strategy | Result |
(Pegfilgrastim[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim [Supplementary Concept]) AND filgrastim[tw] AND (“drug administration schedule”[mesh] OR “administration and dosage”[sh]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 339 |
Search Strategy | Result |
filgrastim AND pegfilgrastim | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((Filgrastim/TH or Filgrastim/AL) or (Filgrastim/TH or フィルグラスチム/AL)) and ((Pegfilgrastim/TH or pegfilgrastim/AL) or (Pegfilgrastim/TH or ペグフィルグラスチム/AL) or ペグ化/AL)) and (DT=1990:2020 and PT=会議録除く) | 112 |
Q45(CQ) がん薬物療法でペグ化G-CSF を投与するとき,Day 2 とDay 3~Day 5 のいずれが推奨されるか?
Search Strategy | Result |
pegfilgrastim[tw] AND (“day 2″[tiab] OR “day 3″[tiab] OR “day 4″[tiab] OR “day 5″[tiab] OR hours[tiab] OR 24[tiab] OR 48[tiab] OR 72[tiab] OR 96[tiab]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 55 |
Search Strategy | Result |
pegfilgrastim AND (day OR hour OR hours OR H) | 1 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((Pegfilgrastim/TH or pegfilgrastim/AL) or ペグ化G-CSF/AL) and (投与量/AL or 日/AL or day/AL)) and (DT=1990:2020 and PT=会議録除く) | 58 |
Q46(CQ) がん薬物療法と同時に放射線療法を行う場合に,G-CSF の予防投与や治療投与は有用か?
Search Strategy | Result |
(“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[Mesh] OR “Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”[tw] OR “G-CSF”[tiab] OR filgrastim[tw] OR lenograstim[tw] OR Neutrogin[tiab] OR nartograstim[nm] OR nartograstim[tw] OR “Neu-up”[tiab] OR pegfilgrastim[nm] OR pegfilgrastim[tw] OR “G-Lasta”[tiab]) AND ((afebrile[tiab] OR “non-febrile”[tiab] OR nonfebrile[tiab]) AND (“neutropenia”[mesh] OR “neutropenia”[tw] OR neutropenic[tiab])) AND (“antineoplastic agents”[mesh] OR “antineoplastic agents”[pharmacological action]) AND 1990/1/1:2019/12/31[edat] AND (english[lang] OR japanese[lang]) | 59 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(chemoradiotherapy OR radiochemotherapy) AND (“granulocyte colony-stimulating factor” OR G-CSF OR Filgrastim OR pegfilgrastim OR filgrastim OR lenograstim OR Neutrogin OR nartograstim OR pegfilgrastim OR G-Lasta OR TKN732 OR MYL-1401H) | 0 |
Search Strategy | Result |
(((腫瘍/TH) and (SH=薬物療法,放射線療法)) and ((顆粒球/TH or Granulocyte/AL) and Colony-Stimulating/AL and Factor/AL or (“Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor”/TH or G-CSF/AL)) and (同時/AL)) and (DT=1990:2020) | 67 |